Exaltation of the Holy Cross - Surrey

POSTOLIUK, Rev. Mykhailo - Administrator
17475 59 Ave, Surrey, BC V3S 1P3
Divine Liturgy / Божественна Літургія (Eng/Ukr) in the Precious Blood Parish (Surrey)
Mailing address: 17665 66A Ave Unit 208, Surrey, BC V3S 2A7
Tel: +1 (204) 892-2180
Web: www.crossparish.ca Email: pastor@crossparish.ca
Liturgy Times
Pastoral Ministry and Holy Mysteries
Baptisms – by appointment
Marriages – six months notice should be given to the parish priest, and he should be contacted before any other arrangements are made
Marriages – six months notice should be given to the parish priest, and he should be contacted before any other arrangements are made
Funerals – by appointment
Confessions – 1/2 hour before Liturgy
Eucharist – for the sick – any time
Anointing – any time
Hospital Visits – any time
Confessions – 1/2 hour before Liturgy
Eucharist – for the sick – any time
Anointing – any time
Hospital Visits – any time